Can’t Miss Speach by Sybrina Fulton!

Can’t Miss Speach by Sybrina Fulton!

The mother of Trayvon Martin, the Florida teen who was shot to death on his way home, is coming to Muskegon to speak to all of us.

Sybrina Fulton will be speaking in Muskegon on Thursday, November 7th at the Fraunthal Theater.

Don’t miss Sybrina Fulton on Thursday, November 7th at 7 pm at the Frauenthal Theater in downtown Muskegon. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for students and are available online and through the Frauenthal ticket office.

A special $30 dollar up-close and personal VIP reception with Sybrina Fulton begins at 5 pm. Tickets may be obtained from NAACP members and friends and local merchants or call 231-343-2706.

Don’t miss Sybrina Fulton, the mother of Trayvon Martin, at the Frauenthal Theater in downtown Muskegon on Thursday, November 7th. Go to frauenthal dot com to buy your tickets. Presented by Herco and Friends and the Michigan State Conference NAACPP and V-100.
